Selected Recordings

Below are a selection of audio and video recordings of Julianna Di Giacomo. She will be continually adding more so check back often for a listen.

Oh cielo! Dove son io?

Live performance of the second act aria from Stiffelio as Lina at the Metropolitan Opera

Tu al cui sguardo onnipossente

Opening scene from I due Foscari as Lucrezia

Sombre Foret

Hear Ye Israel


Häagen-Dazs Commercial

“Save the Honeybees” featuring vocals by Julianna Di Giacomo

Haagen Daz commercial featuring vocals by Julianna Di Giacomo

Preparing for death in Pittsburgh Opera’s Dialogues of the Carmelites

In prison and having just been condemned to die, Carmelite Prioress Madame Lidoine (center, Julianna Di Giacomo) prepares the nuns for death at the guillotine.

Preparing for death in Pittsburgh Opera's Dialogues of the Carmelites